If you're tired of the conventional method of taking one or two gummy vitamins at a time, why not consolidate all those fussy individual gummy pieces into one massive block? A natural method is the best, and you can do this in 3 easy steps*:
1. Make sure the container is sealed tightly! This ensures that the contents, once molten will not spill out.
2. Place the container in a hot place (I put mine in my car!) for about 8 hours. A day in the 90-100 range is ideal. The day I melted these gummies was 105ºF, but surely the temperature rose as it was baking all afternoon in my car.
3. Let the gummies cool, then when solidified, loosen the gummy mass and take a bite.
Now you don't have to worry about those gummy pieces tumbling out as you hurriedly and eagerly run to have your daily dose of vitamins. Just a small bite will do, and if you're feeling extra adventurous, share the gummy mass with a friend! If you want to get really creative, you can even go for a stained glass effect, which happened somewhat naturally with mine. The possibilities are endless!
*If these three easy steps are not easy enough for you, just microwave the gummy vitamins on HIGH for a few seconds, though preferably not in the plastic container.