Tuesday, May 22, 2012


Something like a mere half hour before the start of the eclipse I wrangled together duct tape and cardboard into a 5 foot-long pinhole projection viewer, complete with a black foil pinhole and a sheet of bristol at the inner end for the smoothest lunar projection. The Westies watched me curiously as I fiddled with the big long box, swinging it over my shoulders and balancing it off my chest, trying to get the perfect angle, lining up the pinhole to the sun and keeping it steady. Halfway through it I got hungry and left to pick up some food, and as the angle of the sun got lower I went inside and ate my double double, happy that I got to see a few stages of the eclipse, happy that I got some food in my belly.

Sunday, May 20, 2012


white rides - newly acquired vintage Schwinn | the CRX

I believe I'll be making cilantro limeade all summer...spiked(?!) and as is.

My lunch on 4/20 coincidentally came out to exactly $4.20, hur hurr.

A heart-shaped spot of water | the tiny predator

A coworker's tattoo that she revealed to me on a day my spirits were low.

Scilla peruviana and these green-eyed white mums that I have a strange attraction to.

stealing your soul

1. I take too many photographs of you, I'm sorry (but not really).
2. A gift of a ripe mango (it was fragrant, juicy and delicious).
3. A sheepish, mango-stained smile; moments after a couple driving by at the intersection hollered "ANDYYYYYY!!!" out their window.
4. The wash comes alive at dusk.

These images are all in a chronological disarray, which I am thoroughly pleased with.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

you & me

Sunday, May 13, 2012

protect yourself

These images happened to align into a column on my phone, and I felt compelled to share.
Coincidentally similar themes: general dishevelment, marks on arms, bad lighting, freedom.

Friday, May 11, 2012

it's time to stop hurting others, now.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

first things

Andy and I got pho on Friday before we headed over to the Pasadena Museum of California Art to see a friend who had some pieces showing there! I didn't actually get pho because I had gorged myself on pizza only a few hours before...and when Andy's bowl came out it was in a gloriously shiny stainless steel bowl, which the server braced himself for as he lifted and set it in front of Andy. On the way to the show, we contemplated presenting some flowers to our friend, and after plucking a small bundle from the sidewalk, we worried about it being tacky so we nixed the idea. Looking at all the curated artwork was inspiring and refreshing, and seeing our friend in a different light was fun and new.

Seeing different sides of someone you think you've known for a while is so thrilling, satisfying, intoxicating.