Some leftovers from May! With the lengthening days I've been going for longer walks around the neighborhood; on many of these walks I've encountered bountiful mulberry trees laden with their juicy black fruit, and handful after sneaky handful I usually walk away with stained fingertips, berry-stained mouth, and a happy belly.
On one of these walks a few weeks ago I made this tiny posy as I turned a corner of a big old house on a big hill. Delicate daisies and sweet, heady jasmine, accompanied by a purply foxtail grass of some sort. The jasmine lasted the longest and filled my days with its beautiful scent - I'll remember that week of falling asleep to and waking up with jasmine filling my nostrils for years to come.
This is an old negative I found in a crazy messed-up house that I was surveying and drawing up for work on the side. Picture mid-century hoarders occupying a 1,300 square foot house for I don't even know how many years. I wish I had seen it in all its pack-rat glory (not really), but I saw (and smelled) the remnants and dang that was nasty.
Opium poppies. So many of these were slashed and oozing their sap that contains said opiates that I was a little suspicious. Totally beautiful still, whether it's the pods or the silky red dress-looking blooms.
Middle of the week, I still have lots to say. At a later time though. Happy Wednesday!
Middle of the week, I still have lots to say. At a later time though. Happy Wednesday!