Sunday, March 29, 2009

an alphabetical list of things in my room

Things in my room starting with...

A: autographed Hellboy headshot
B: books (graphic novels, architecture, leisure)
C: cup of chamomile tea
D: dust bunnies
E: embroidery floss
F: flannel
G: giant bouncy ball
H: hand sanitizer
I: I ♥ Jim post-its
J: Jeffrey "The Dude" Lebowski
K: keys
L: Land Camera 230
M: moleskines
N: Netflix rentals
O: old slide film & polaroid
P: Polaroid SLR 680 SE
Q: quilt (slightly worn, thanks to dogs)
R: record bowl
S: Sennheisers
T: Tera Melos poster
U: USC plush pillow
V: V5 & V7 Precise Rolling Ball pens
W: water bottles
X: X?
Y: yesterday's socks
Z: Zicam

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

J = ftw