Saturday, February 13, 2010

blink and you might miss it

Some shots from the PCC flea this past Sunday. Whenever I feel guilty about spending money on a ring I don't need or a wool cardigan I 'have' to have, I decide to satiate my lust for the object by taking a picture of it instead. The saying 'take a picture, it'll last longer,' is so true. It satisfies my desire for something by reminding me I was there, right next to it, within hands reach, but didn't actually walk away with it. There's a voyeuristic quality to photography that I cherish and despise all at once, it's hard to describe. Sacrifice the integrity (?) of a moment by preserving a second of it? Yes, I find this justifiable. More on that at another time when I'm not so sleepy, maybe.


Jeremy [Retro] said...

beautiful memories..

Ling said...

great collection of photos!