Making woven friendship bracelets combats any instances of nervous energy that I can't get rid of. So many bracelets and no one to give them to :(. KIDDING. I want to make like a hundred of these and carry them in a bag and give them to my friends as I meet up with them - I swear, aside from my sister most of the people I want to give these to don't even currently live in the same city/state/country as me. This is my excuse to go visit them rather than to say HEY COME BACK HOME.
Kombucha, a tea-like drink with a live culture in it that ferments the whole thing and it's fizzy and magical and delicious. The first time I bought this was from a tiny Wild Oats/Whole Foods in Kansas City and then I drank it in a weedy lot in the middle of an artsy/dangerous (couldn't figure out if it was either/or or both) neighborhood and it defined the hippiest, weirdest picnic I had ever been on. Since Trader Joe's doesn't carry Kombucha I've been traitorously slinking off to Whole Foods or Sprouts to get my fix. Whole Foods had a fourth of July sale on Kombucha and its Synergy line and I was going to buy a whole case of them until I realized I would have nowhere to store them. Curses! I love the flavors Gingerade, Cosmic Cranberry and the Trilogy one. I mean I like pretty much all of them except for the green one. Too much like seaweed even though I love seaweed.
Buying cut flowers. For all of June I bought peonies for my mom (not cheap!) and lately it has been sunflowers, lavender, and for a weird reason TJ's is selling a dozen roses for $4.99 so I might get in on that and get some roses tomorrow. Not red ones. Maybe pink for my mom or maybe those funny pale green ones. We have tons of flowers growing in the yard but cut flowers indoors work wonders for the ambience of a room. Weird. I am genuinely happy when I am surrounded by flowers.
Band of Brothers. I grew up not having cable (still don't actually...) and I remember like way back in 2001 Band of Brothers was a huge deal on HBO. I had friends who obsessed over it but for some reason I had never gotten around to watching it. I mentioned this to my pop recently and his reaction was "WHAT!" so he immediately ordered the blu-ray set online and handed it to me and basically every evening last week was spent watching one whole disc (two episodes) until we finished. Addicting, amazing, and so powerful. I mean I haven't been this moved by television since Doctor Who. I love every character, and the fact that the characters were based on actual people made it so much more poignant and meaningful. I'm going to watch these again, because I have to make my sister watch them before she goes back to school in the fall, and then I am going to force my best friend in Australia to watch them with me so we can cry and squeal over men and battles and war. I can't believe I got into this a decade after the fact but I'm so glad I did. (p.s. started watching The Pacific, too. It's good but hasn't hit me in the same way BoB has...yet.)
1 comment:
LOVE the idea of the bracelets :)
I can't believe i didn't even realize your comment on my blog! thanks for the words of encouragement :) if all goes well...i shall graduate this dec! Travelling is a must. No plans of hopping on that plane anytime soon? hehe.
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