I heard once that it's not a collection until you have three of a certain item, so the fact that these photos display four feathers total I believe then entails a collection. Two owl feathers and two parrot feathers. I haven't really done the research but they might be from a barn owl and the red-crowned parrot (not two from the same bird because they were all found on different days). The funny thing about finding feathers for me is that I never find them when actively searching for them, but encounter many when I'm barely paying attention. That's like a lot of things in life I think. There's a heat wave in L.A., kind of the last farewell to summer and it's really hot and dry and stifling in the valley. But at least there is no hurricane to face... I was worried for my friends on the east coast but they're tough cookies/badasses and they don't seem too worried. The last few days for me have been very hedonistic - full of shopping and lazing about and swimming in the pool. The coyotes are out in the neighborhood, need to keep a watchful eye on the poopies and kitties.
Edit: I forgot all about this scrub jay feather I picked up after perilously scrambling along the side of a steep mountain slope covered in crumbly, unstable soil a week ago. I remember I kind of threw myself down, grabbed hold of a tree root and started talking out loud to myself while trying to get some solid footing. Getting totally dramatic here I felt like Atreyu in the Neverending Story, out on a quest and getting my ass kicked by the natural elements. I didn't make it out to the crest like my cohort did due to his discovery of a homeless camp up there, but I was happy to turn back and find the feather, like a little badge for my hilariously city mouse in the mountains moment.