This morning at work half of my coworkers asked me why I look so tired, and of course there was the obligatory/expected joke of "You're not in school anymore so why aren't you getting enough sleep!" I'm just trying to get my life together and it's hard work you guys! I was too tired even to joke around, so for most of my shift I was half-smiling and trying not to let my mind wander off too much. I did perk up at the giant stalks of brussels sprouts that came in, so I got one and sautéed a couple of the florets as an accompaniment to my pasta for lunch today, once I got home. The sticks are a bunch I salvaged from our olive tree that got a major trimming at the peak of summer. I'm letting them cure and once I'm a little less busy I have something in mind for them. I moved my maidenhair fern outside and it was totally loving it until it got shocked by the cold spell and then fried by the mini-heat wave in the valley and now I am at a loss as to how to save it. Good news is there is a healthy amount of new growth, but a lot of the older growth has pretty much turned into potato chip versions of its old self. Today, so tired was I after work that I whipped off my work shirt and threw on this old army shirt that's a tad too small and awkward for me, solely because it was hanging up in the laundry room. Designated construction wear, methinks. Off to sleep because I have so much left to do and am in need of energy to do it.
love the pic!
mmm sprouts
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