Some terribly scanned slides that I felt like sharing anyway. These images don't even come close to conveying their true tones and shadows - they look fuzzy and blurry and make it look like I'm all shaky hands and clueless about f-stops and light let alone how to operate a camera, but the actual slides are pure and crisp and some of the most beautiful things I think I've shot on film thus far; also Fuji Velvia is one of the most gorgeous films ever created so it's difficult to not shoot something awesome with it. My description of these slides reminds me of other things, how my perception of a situation seems one way and upon self-reflection becomes clearer and different from the initial assessment of it. I'm unraveling little delusions I've had about the past few weeks and upon revealing some reluctant truths I feel so foolish and stupid, though I strangely don't feel regret (yet?).
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