Saturday, March 10, 2012

'to know what to say/mind is a razor blade'

Signage. A recent bad habit I've developed is compulsively snapping photos, with iphone/camera while I'm driving...

Sister's awesome hand-me-over jacket from a badass friend/mentor.

Valentine pop-tart that I talked about a while ago - chocolate with a blood orange marmalade filling...!

How amazing would it be to chew a hole in an orange, crawl into it, then several hours later crawl out and, while lazing about on the skin, proudly tell yourself yeah, I ate that entire thing.

I drew a happy roma tomato for one of the signs at the store.

Leaves un-meant yet wholly meant for each other; the crackle of a eucalyptus fire.

1 comment:

y said...

the last set look like pages from a book.

(make a photo book)