Monday, July 9, 2012

a geothermal dream

Here are some shots from Yellowstone (which was about two weeks ago now?)! The first image is of Old Faithful dwindling down after an eruption around 10 am on Wednesday. After Old Faithful and some other touristy activities, we moved on to the Grand Prismatic Spring, which features wooden walkways where one can view colonies of thermophile bacteria that were dazzling in their prismatic gradients of color (different colored bacteria denoting different temperatures). The last pool was the Opal Spring, which looks so eerie and otherworldly. L and I were convinced that if you were to step into one and survive to the other side, you'd end up in a different part of the universe, or something. But also, the temperature of these pools is BOILING, so much that steam was constantly blowing off their surfaces, and warning diagrams inundated each viewing point for visitors to approach cautiously. (I lost a lot of pictures from Yellowstone in an unprecedented moment of clearing my memory card before uploading all my images...stupid and careless on my part, but it is what it is.)

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