Tuesday, November 27, 2012

the light returns

Thanksgiving was almost a week ago, and the days following it for the long weekend were days of utter bliss. For hours at a time I did literally nothing, which at the time made me feel a little guilty, but looking back, the idleness equaled precious decompression time. Not at all do I regret the lazy hours spent with my sister on our freshly cleaned red couch, munching on two different types of Trader Joe's cookies, exchanging idle chatter/profound ideas, watching multiple episodes of Breaking Bad, then switching to Jim Jarmusch's 'Dead Man' when I got too stressed out about the former. Interspersed with visits from A, who came back down for a quick Thanksgiving break, as well as a long adventurous bike ride with my sister, it was a satisfying, languid long weekend.

A sorted out this multi-tool (you can see me in the spoon!) that my sister had picked up for me at a flea market over the summer, and now that all the components are unfolded I can clean it up real nicely. I handed him all my recent rock finds and listened intently as he patiently studied and identified them. The two close-ups are a really roughed-up quartz that I found on a hike in Griffith Park, and another dark quartz-ish chunk I found at the construction site in Hollywood. You all probably know this, but the translucent quality of both are the most obvious indicators of the presence of quartz in the rock. I like how they glow when the light hits them.

One more month until the year is over! Let us finish it strong.

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