While cleaning my desk today I found this old freeway map of LA. What was to me as a child an intimidating mass of confusing lines has now become a clear navigable guideline to traversing the city. By no means is it perfect, not by a long shot, as it is a simultaneously predictable and unpredictable system, but I finally have this map in my head, the way "the grownups" did back when I could barely see outside the window of a moving car, or when I could only provide directions home saying, 'left/right/straight ahead.'
For a while I had given up on finding a sturdy industrial-type trash can for the kitchen, but the old adage of finding something when you least expect it/aren't searching for it is SO true, especially when it comes to thrifting! Hello Mister Sani-Can, how are you? So gleaming-white clean and it even has a fluid foot lever in perfect working condition. I love objects of beauty and function. Thank you, Goodwill.
One of my biggest vices though...are old glass bottles/containers. And today I made off with several beautiful specimens - the old chemistry bottle with the 'acid line' mark especially made my heart flutter. The vendor gave that to me along with the two other clear bottles for $5. The blue bottle came with a cork, and I got that with an old Atlas Mason jar from a different gentleman for $5 as well.
Yes or no to indoor fairy lights? I was fearful of the college-dorm effect with stringing neutral Christmas lights up by the windows/around the entry door, but I love the outcome. The space feels cozier, more inviting, and makes me always want to curl up on the couch to read, knit, and snooze under twinkly lights. I turned them on earlier than usual this evening, and enjoyed how they looked with the blinds open to the setting sun.
My friend M concluded a lengthy phone conversation by reading aloud this excerpt to me from a foreword to a book of poetry by Antonio Machado, translated by Robert Bly. Food for thought, thoughts before sleep.
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