This year has been a doozy so far, and even on the last day of the month I feel like I'm running on vapors. It's been a hell of a time with a bum foot, trying not to go stir crazy staying off it, then hobbling around once the swelling and bruising goes down. Slowly but surely it's on the mend, after the first two weeks of full ice baths, lots of Advil every day and elevating/staying off it.
Other notable "injuries" have been in the vein of relationships - ones that need pruning, fertilization, elimination. There really comes a time when you notice you've outgrown a person, and depending on the wants and needs of each party, and how the overall dynamic is, you begin to realize what steps need to be taken to continue on or part ways in the best manner. Sacrificing your own feelings of contentment or happiness for the sake of another is never acceptable once it starts to go only one way. For friendships, romantic relationships, professional relationships. Never go out of your way for anyone unless you know it is really being appreciated. I could go on, but for the sake of toning down a rant/lecture that no one wants to hear, I will keep it at that. Know your worth and your limits, know your weaknesses, work on improving those lesser qualities, and be good to yourself.
Happy New Year.