A mish-mashed cloud of words I typed up while listening to my mom and sister talk for two minutes, so that I could have something to print out to test the wireless printer.
My room inhales dirty and exhales clean. Lately my only vices are chocolate and White Russians. And berries. I have hangnails, scratches and callouses that make me want to gnaw all of them off. Inadvertently found out some things on my lunch break, though that's a game I really do not want to play. As we were closing tonight, the owner of the Italian place on our block brought us pizza so we chowed on pepperoni & jalapeƱo pizza before restocking. There must have been something in those pizzas because we were all going wild towards the end of the night. One of my bosses got a flame-colored succulent and I want one now, too. My toes and foot bones are in a constant state of cracking - two days off in a row might be a good thing!
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