Thursday, March 31, 2011

4 am I haven't done this in a while...

I saw these Mexican pastries (what are they called?) on a fence surrounding someone's house on the way to school today...

Just got back from a late-night work session after a haphazard surprise birthday for one of my closest studio friends. A bumblebee balloon ('happy BEE-day, get it?' announced a sleep-deprived cohort), an Oreo ice cream cake, an Easter basket full of goodies, and a hurried instance of everyone signing the birthday card led to the birthday girl finding us out! Leave it to an overexcited friend to call out another with a very unique name, only to have birthday girl hear us out on the street and come down in her PJs to investigate. Some things aren't meant to be a surprise! I have my fan BLASTING now (hard to believe it was raining only last week, but ya know, So Cal...) and it's going to be 90ยบ tomorrow, crazy!

2 comments: said...

they are called conchas, meaning shells, like sea shells.

destroy what bores you said...

thank you! now I know and will never forget :)