Wednesday, August 28, 2013

new growth

Change is constant. Occurrences no matter how large or small are fluid, flowing things. Churning in our subconscious while we sleep, changing temperature and color through the smallest remark or a glance or a misplaced punctuation mark. Smoothed over with songs or quotes read out-of-context on a blog, or through a long conversation over coffee. Tendrils of a friendship start growing toward each other - perhaps they entwine and grow harmoniously, or maybe one chokes out the other as it thickens and matures and the other one recoils or refuses to explore and grow. Or they are simply incompatible and unable to coexist, and choose to grow in different directions, never looking back.

I won't see the plants above in a leisurely manner anymore by month's end, unless I go out of my way to visit that street to see the friend who will no longer be living there. And that's alright, because I got to admire it for some time! I keep going over the changes that have occurred in the past two months in my mind, and sift through the combinations: mundane and grueling with a gradual payoff, lovely on the surface but weak at the core, confusing and turbulent then suddenly clear and calm.

I'm tired after a long summer! Dreaming of green growth, trees, forests - an environment free of humans/urban life.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013


Things come and go, and some things when lost are missed more than others, but I think we all know this by now...! This thing pictured here is a vial of Cretaceous amber, 66.4 million years old, painstakingly gathered from layers of ash and gifted to me by somebody super awesome.

I've wanted a pair of Red Wings for ages, and finally decided to indulge in a pair earlier this month. Meet the Iron Rangers! Upgrading to an official job title plus reaching the quarter-century mark were good enough reasons for me! Also these have been a nice change from my worn-out (though still trusty) black Docs...

Two pictures of the same thing, because of all things to mess up of late it's autofocus. Luckily that error isn't indicative of anything more major in life, so here I am shrugging and moving forward. I like this new ring very much. Having recently gotten obsessed with Game of Thrones (super late to the show - no regrets!) and being a dragon myself (in the Chinese zodiac) made this an especially fun acquisition. Plus, adjustable rings that integrate that function into their overall form and looking badass at it make me weak in the knees.

I'm feeling rusty blogging-wise - is it dumb to attribute that to the loss of Google Reader...? I got pretty burnt out on reading and following blogs, and I feel like so many have fallen by the wayside, mine included. That's not all true though, some old trusty favorites are still super solid so I should shut my trap, but as I really think about it, I think it's me: I have gotten busier and so I kill less time over blogs, or a priority shift has me choosing to watch an episode of Thrones rather than wandering through the blog-o-sphere, hehehe. Life on the whole has been pretty eventful this entire summer, though the compulsion to document all that fell pretty flat for me, again. Photography doldrums again. But thankfully, blog life does not equal real life. Things are good on the whole. I hope the same for you, too.