Wednesday, January 1, 2014

2013 ---> 2014

2013 was an odd year. It started off on a heavy note and it didn't help that I had been extremely unhappy with who I was for many months leading into it. The following months were an exercise in dealing with loneliness and steering myself away from being too emotionally dependent on anyone.

Part of this process included attending lots and lots of shows. Mostly old favorites multiple times, one (small) music festival, a few free concerts made possible by generous friends, or from winning an online contest (!!!).

Work continued to be full of new and challenging experiences, though the pendulum continues to swing between architecture and development, with little swings that go fully off the axis (escape to the wilderness, build a log cabin & Thoreau it; draw/paint/carve/ART etc.). Ah well, I'm still learning a lot, but I feel like big decisions are inevitably looming ahead, waiting to be made.

I made some stupid decisions this past year, too. Nothing too life-shattering, but ones that definitely threw me down a couple of rungs and made me generally wary about trusting my feelings too readily with another person. Misinterpretations with one person led to our not talking for several months, but after a bit of cooling off, the friendship is back on track. Getting in too quickly with another person who had no idea what they wanted was a few weeks through the wringer that took months to get over.

Some good came out of the crazy, though. Looking forward to having some solid adventures with this kooky fellow :)

A friend asked me if I have any major goals for this year, and I replied "Be more adventurous, exercise more creativity and actually start/finish projects, be less careful/more aggressive about everything." How delightfully general this all sounds, but I have all the specifics in my mind. Also the common theme here is "MORE." So here's to more picture-taking, picture-making, blog-posting, less giving-a-shit about how all of this is coming off, and doing bigger things. Yes. Happy 2014.

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