Sunday, June 7, 2009

Xi'an (6/5 - 6/7/09)

Xi'an - one of the oldest cities in China and home of the famous Terra Cotta Army that protected the tomb of Qin Shi Huang - China's first emperor.

Leaving Dunhuang for Xi'an, in one of the tiniest planes I've ever flown in - three seats and an aisle wide!

At a terra cotta soldier-making factory. A broken soldier in the rubble outside of a kiln.

Unfired clay heads made with the local clay, which is a nice dark brownish grey.

At the actual site of the real terra cotta warriors...!

Outdoor floor detail at the Grey Mosque - the first/only Muslim place of worship in Xi'an.

Lychees being sold on the street. I really wanted to buy some dried kiwis but didn't get the chance!

We went to a dumpling house that made dumplings in the shape of what's inside. They were not that good, but these walnut dumplings were divine.

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