Thursday, January 13, 2011

to a fresh(er) start

An amaryllis plant I gave to my mom for Christmas; a thrifted thermal that my sister found that became a sort of cocoon for me when I was feeling most ill - don't you wish all clothing labels still look like this?; a glass beaded flower I made.

I've been so sick this past week... Growing up my mom always took great care to ensure that near the end of winter/summer vacation my sister and I were germ and virus-free, to start the new school term afresh, without absences or tardies. I didn't do so well this year. It's almost as if the fall semester finally wreaked its havoc on me by destroying my immune system. Loss of energy, constantly stuffed sinuses and cough, headache, body aches. I think several bugs overlapped because after feeling alright on Saturday I was useless on Sunday, and pretty much was on the road to recovery til now. I feel my strength coming back now, and just constantly drinking fluids and taking vitamins and medicine to combat whatever is lingering. I hope it goes away soon... I already have a lot of work I need to begin!

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