Tuesday, January 22, 2013

this chain won't break because of you

When gifting somebody a knife, make sure to include a penny or some sort of coin with it, for them to give back to you as 'payment' (or else have them search their pockets for said coin!). This is to ensure that the friendship between giver and recipient does not get severed by the knife! Out of one such recent transaction I got a really awesome dollar coin in return.

A handsome baby cottontop cactus, plucked (probably more like wrangled, then coaxed) out of the desert, then placed into a new terra cotta bowl filled to the brim with crushed ʻaʻā, and topped with sprinklings of feldspar and quartz for good measure. A, you are a master of details...

An exciting rock specimen from Amboy Crater - this is most likely a lava bomb that plunged into a still-cooling rock, cracking the surface and embedding itself into the bigger rock for the rest of time (!!!).

So there's a week plus a few days left of January...! Last night I had one of those back-to-school-esque nightmares where you oversleep and miss all your classes, except in mine I overslept and was late to a meeting, and had forgotten all the material I had prepared for it, much to the displeasure of the higher-ups. Then I went to the construction office and half of it was cleared out and my good friend there was packing up and sadly saying he was moving on...what! Extremely stressful. I woke up with a start and checked the time and it was 4:30 AM. Thankfully my work day today was nowhere near as catastrophic as the dream, but it still made me think and act warily all day. Changes afoot...big changes/future acquisitions, busy-ness, keeping my head down and peripherals clear, and staying focused.

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