Wednesday, March 13, 2013

your days in one

Joining skein 5 to skein 6! This new skein is super irregular - I've been feeling lumpy, thicker parts of wool as well as skinny, smooth areas...which makes me pretty excited to feel/see these irregularities in the finished knit!

A badass prickly pear (Opuntia) cactus tree amongst some oaks one morning. Not sure of the exact species. I love seeing how this specimen managed to grow up and out to compete for light on the otherwise very shady forest floor. Nature you are, always have been, and always will be utterly amazing.

I started one of those "write-down-good-things-that-happen then tip-it-all-out and read-at-the-end-of-the-year" jars at the beginning of the year. I've been treating it as a method of staying positive (duh), and by writing down the good happenings on scraps of used paper I've sort of been recycling, too.

Snagged this Archival roll-top rucksack that was on mega-sale for no apparent reason (??!) last month, and it has replaced my previous work bag, though I don't hesitate to use it for weekend romps outdoors/running errands/everything. I've been a fan of the rucksack-style pack for ages, but have always frowned upon the double-strap style (really inconvenient/time-consuming) and have pretty much been waiting around for years to find one with a single-strap closure in the perfect materials & color (and price!). Really lucked out with this one...

Sand for succulents/bottling for memories.

My string of pearls plant (Senecio rowleyanus) produced one flower this winter that smelled curiously and deliciously like that of a clover blossom - strong, too! It has since gone to seed, but its heady scent was a wonderful thing to come home to and be greeted by after a long day.

I inevitably end up with a handful of images every month that I meant to mention, but lost along the way, so this is my way of rounding them up and keeping track of things! Not really necessary, but it's fun.
excuse me for a second: Bloglovin (<-- knee-jerk reaction to the announcement of the end of Google Reader).

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