Monday, January 18, 2010

sweet blossom soda

I went to Galco's - an old-timey soda and goodies shop in Glendale Highland Park (thanks anon!), with Steph a few days ago! With several aisles stocked with more kinds of soda you can imagine (or consume in a day for that matter), and with a sleepy but pleasant independent grocer's vibe, AND a sandwich counter in the back, Galco's seems like the place people would have hung out at as teens after school. Well I don't know about that, but I love little novelty places like this. More photos coming up, hehe.


Anonymous said...

Galco's is in Highland Park! So not Glendale...

destroy what bores you said...

I can't believe I flubbed that one so badly - they don't even neighbor each other! :X