Friday, January 13, 2012

hello again

I thought I had lost this handkerchief forever. I was oddly torn up about it for a while, but I eventually accepted the possibility that it could have fallen out of my pocket and that I had never noticed. But when I went running two mornings ago (for the first time in years, ahh) I felt something in the front pocket of a dingy old hoodie I had put away and lo and behold, there it was! Finding it again made me think about losing things and how sometimes they can come back to you. How easy it is to obsess over losing something or someone and be upset and try very hard to get it back. Sometimes with time and perspective, things come back, people reconnect and pick up the pieces and start anew. Other times, time isn't enough, too much happened and the possibility of coming back is slim or nonexistent. In which case it is fine to mourn, but mourn and move on; don't let yourself fall into a cycle, don't let yourself get stuck.

1 comment:

Jessica H. said...

this hits home so hard.