Friday, January 6, 2012

the one-eyed gypsy

Went out to the One-Eyed Gypsy on the edge of Little Tokyo last night, despite a 5am shift this morning and a ten hour workday before that. I had a PBR because I'd never had one until then and because one drink was all I could take. It wasn't so bad, just WEAK. The birthday girl slurred her words through red lipstick but was nothing but joy and semi-self-conscious apologies and hugs and it was all good feelings. Free ski-ball machines where we had to touch two wires together to start a game was so much fun as we tried to get the 100-point hole and we each did. Jessica and I found a photo booth and we took awkward photos and decided we need to work on our facial expressions, but it was more like we were trying a little too hard. It was still fun though. Some dancing and the drive home. A late night phone call and then work 2.5 hours later. I was a zombie but with three cups of coffee was okay. I have no complaints.

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