Sunday, September 2, 2012


1. Flea market finds from GCC. The highlight/downfall of no longer having to work on Sunday mornings.
2. A little project I finally got to complete for a pen pal, whew. Sometimes I wish inspiration/my motivation wasn't so fickle.

I like pretty old things (but who doesn't?!) and nowadays I gravitate toward pretty old useful things. The textbook is probably not-so-useful to me, but reminded me of a certain someone. The drawings were included with a mix-tape (mix-cd...) for an awesome friend who I hope to meet for real, in person, in the near future with my sister. Someday! It makes me happy to be able to connect to and cultivate friendships with people, whether in face-to-face interactions or through the Internet. And then the excitement of new friends will remind me of the old friends, and just rolls me through the cycle of catching up with said seasoned friendships. Mind you this isn't a cut-and-dry formula - just thoughts of the moment. I'm really trying for consistency though.

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