Friday, December 10, 2010

lunching at the love cube

I don't know if it was architecture students or art students who assembled this funny little playground/gathering spot of a structure a month or so ago but it has been probably the most successful (and low budget) installation our school has seen. Deemed the 'love cube' - flyers around the building have welcomed people to sit there, make out, eat, talk, play, swing, and be creative - and the students have listened! I made a big point this year to not buy food on campus, but this is the third time all semester I buckled down and got Panda for lunch (guilty pleasure food...) which I gobbled up at the cube, and to work off my food coma I swinged on the swing and enjoyed the sunshine. I feel like I haven't felt the sun for days, which is clearly hyperbole, but it was nice to have half an hour to myself, reflecting on life and the semester.

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