Sunday, August 14, 2011

23rd adventures

It was my birthday yesterday! My mom and sister surprised me by taking me to lunch at a Japanese Izakaya and at the last minute improvised to include my friend Jon, who was in town to shoot a wedding on Sunday. After lunch Jon and I went to LACMA to see the Tim Burton exhibit. While waiting to be let in we frolicked in the installation of neon-ish yellow tubes (I did a project like this my third year, but shorter, much less elegant and made of hundreds of strands of yarn!) and conversed a little too emphatically in the Ahmanson building (so much that we kind of got busted by a guard who demanded to see our tickets - we got out of that in a fit of giggles). The Tim Burton exhibit was good but I thought poorly curated/planned, although it was great to see his old Polaroid prints, the Edward Scissorhands costume, his design for the city of Burbank's trash collection, etc. After that we decided to see more art at the Norton Simon museum, where we got to see 'Woman With A Lute' on loan from the Metropolitan Museum of Art! The only Vermeer on the west coast, cool! And we were definitely not allowed to take pictures of it. We hung out in the garden right before it closed, then parted ways. Pizza party dinner and a tiny red velvet cake, then driving out to a friend's party where I could see city lights below the hill, sharing a hot potato baked in foil with my sister and washing it down with two beers, coming home and sobering up with a book and falling asleep to the nicest texts ever.


Ling said...

happy birthday! looks like you had a good day :)

destroy what bores you said...

thank you so much! I sure did. it is nice to hear from you!