Tuesday, September 27, 2011

from the archives: moustache kitties

These were taken September 14, 2008 in the arts district during an afternoon spent frolicking around with my sister and Dan. I don't remember why we were there. All I recall is that we were having fun just checking out the abundance of graffiti all over the buildings and streets and then we heard a mewling... and we looked up and saw kitties! In one out of focus shot I omitted, a tiny tabby appears next to the big moustache kitty, but my focusing skills were sub-par and I ruined the shot.

One more that I shot on my Nikon FE using daylight slide film. Even though the kitties don't show up so well I like the overall mood much more than the digital shots.


Jeremy [Retro] said...

i always called then the groucho...

yo said...

these are probably the only cats i've ever loved.