Friday, April 16, 2010


I found this bike on Craigslist last Friday, and drove out to Anaheim to pick it up Saturday. I took it to a place called the Bicycle Kitchen off of Vermont Ave. with my friend Andrew, and worked on fixing it up - mostly the brakes, replacing the chain and front tire, tuning up the pedals and axles, and tightening everything up. Overnight it suffered a flat - the front inner tube gave out, so Andrew patched it up for me, and now it's in tip-top shape, mostly. The brakes squeak a lot so I'm always announcing where I am when I stop but it's no big deal. I've been riding it around the neighborhood, which lends a fresh perspective to familiar surroundings. Slower than a car, but faster than walking so the speed is ideal, and I love the direct correlation of body movement to machine that makes you go. It's an obvious concept yeah, but I never quite appreciated it much 'til now.


W-iNNie said...

haha. gotta say i love the look of ur bike! i got a bike here in tassie too. indeed the speed is ideal. and a good way to exercise! tho i doubt i'd ride much come winter :P

destroy what bores you said...

you should be hardcore and ride through the winter! cover every inch of your face and pedal pedal pedal!