Monday, March 21, 2011

things I found in my room

Miniature treasures - a tiny copy of Hamlet (my favorite Shakespeare play) a friend brought me back from London, and a tiny tourist viewfinder camera that shows vintage scenes of California.

Wallets! Two duct tape, one tyvek, one leather. The tyvek one isn't really my style of late, but it's sentimental to me because a new friend gave it to me this past Christmas, so it's the one I'm using; the green duct tape one I used extensively throughout high school, and it was made for me by another great friend.

Postcards I've received in the past from: New York, Tokyo, Barcelona.

Postcards I have yet to fill out and send. (I think these are all from the Norton Simon).

Vintage flea market buttons (all $.25 each) from the cutest, funniest old man, and Woody Allen!

Super random I know, but settling back into my apartment at school after a week of spring break had me in the mood for spring cleaning and paring down everything I have here so the moving-process is as painless as possible. That and I'm always just shutter-happy... I had an early dinner at 5:15 or something crazy like that and I want a snack now.

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